Wednesday 1 April 2015

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Since my preliminary task I have developed a lot more skills and have learnt more about the film industry that has enabled me to create my thriller opening. for example I learnt that it is hard to record good quality sound from the form the camera especially dialogue, therefore I did not record any of my sound whilst filming and did not include any dialogue in the film, instead, I included Foley sound from garage band which sounded very realistic and was also very good quality.
From my preliminary task I also learnt about lighting as I made many mistake with lighting which recording my preliminary task, for example, I filmed a character whilst there was a bright light behind but no light in front of him, this made it very hard to see the character. From this mistake I learnt that the lighting needs to be balanced.
I have also used some of the techniques that I used in my preliminary task for example, in the first shot of my preliminary task, the camera tracks a characters feet which I felt created anticipation as well as tension because of the fact that the audience cant see the characters face and wants to know who the character is and what hes doing. Because I liked this shot, the first shot of my thriller opening also doesn't show my characters face to create further mystery. However I did this in a different way as instead of a tracking shot where only the characters feet were showing, I used a high angle shot where only the characters hand were showing.

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